The World Of The Angels
The World Of The Angels
Sheikh Abd al-Hamid Kishk | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 100 | Size: 5 MB
The World of the Angels is an example of traditional learning and its translation fills a much needed gap in aqida (beliefs) literature in the English speaking world Basing himself exclusively on the Quran and Hadith, Sheikh Kishk deals with every aspect of the angelic world. He goes from discussing the creation. tbnm and nature of the angels to enumerating their many different types and also explains their role in existence and the character of their interaction with the human race. An in depth understanding of the nature and activity of the angels is essential for the people of today. Particularly in the face of the onslaught of scientific materialism which has done so much to weaken the bases of belief in this time. This book should help a great deal towards this end.
Selected Fatwas On Faith Healing And Witchcraft
Selected Fatwas On Faith Healing And Witchcraft
IKhaled al-Jeraisy | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 324 | Size: 3 MB
Nowadays, the issue of treatment with legal Ruqyas is the centre of debate because of: the increase in diseases related to the evil eye, witchcraft and possession, which modern medicine has failed to treat; the revival of legal Ruqya treatment; the emergence of a lot of sorcerers and soothsayers. No doubt, practitioners of legal Ruqyas ought to be supported and rewarded, while sorcerers and soothsayers ought to be punished and humiliated.
Expelling Jinn From Your Home
Expelling Jinn From Your Home
Majdi Muhammad Ash-Shahawi | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 104 | Size: 3 MB
This book will help you to overcome all your worries, and begin a new chapter in your life. Then you will be free to think clearly, act decisively and feel at peace with yourself and others. Just read through the book and listen to the CD, following the instructions carefully, for three or six weeks in total. The Jinn are not very strong, they only take a grip when you show weakness in faith or religious duties, once you take command of your faith and follow it properly, they can never affect you. This publication provides the reader with a step by step manual to in order to eradicate the ill effects of Jinn and Shayateen, from ones home and life. It comes complete with a CD for correct pronunciation, a must read. May Almighty Allah, the creator and sustainer of the universe, guide you and protect you from harm, so that find confidence and protection and become as good example to others.
Sword Against Black Magic & Evil Magicians
Sword Against Black Magic & Evil Magicians
Wahid Abdussalam Bali | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 191 | Size: 8 MB
We often hear about cases of lunacy, constant headaches and stomach aches, insomnia, lethargy, hearing voices, sexual inability, sterility, frigidity, shattered marriages, woman's continuous bleeding; and we often tend to have the undemanding answer that 'it is Allah (SWT), or, as the ignorant would put it, 'it is nature.' Certainly, it is undisputable that anything in the Heavens and the Earth is managed by Allah , but we should not discard that Allah (SWT) has also commanded us to consider the causes of events. It is high time that we stopped and considered for a moment that, besides normal causes, there is the evil force of Sihr, the Arabic equivalent to sorcery. The sorcerer and Satan work in partnership to provide an 'intent-to-harm service' to their client, in return for a mere pittance which they receive from those with weak personalities and from the wicked, who hold grudges against their Muslim brothers and sisters and who love to see them suffer under the effects of sorcery.
Ruling on Magic and Fortune Telling
Ruling on Magic and Fortune Telling
Abdul Azeez Ibn Baaz. Due to the increase in the number of magicians and fortune tellers lately those who cleans the ability to cure people by use of magic and fortune telling and you to their spread in some of the muslim countries and the way they take advantage of some simple minded ignorant people it became necessary for me to clarify the great danger of these people on muslims and Islam for it entails becoming attached to other than Allah and disobeying His commands and the command of the prophet (Pbuh).
The Jinn & Human Sickness
The Jinn & Human Sickness
The subject of the jinn is one which is of interest to many people. Folk stories abound, and many superstitious practices have arisen in Muslim cultures with regard to protection against the jinn. Many myths surround the ideas of the evil eye and envy, and there are many strange notions surrounding illnesses such as epilepsy and mental illness, which are often thought of as being caused by the jinn.
The World of Jinn and Devils
The World of Jinn and Devils
This book is a compilation of religious texts that discuss the topic of Jinns and Devils as well as the statements of the scholars related to this topic.