History of Palestine
History of Palestine
From preface, 'The fifteenth of May 2006 marked the fifty eighth anniversary of the catastrophe, which has brought about the worst calamity that could befall a nation in the whole history, namely the tragedy of the Palestinian people. Fifty years, during which Israel has implemented its plots and schemes to force itself as a reality in the region, where it worked on embedding its institutions on the Arabic lands and building settlements for the Jewish immigrants there. To achieve this, it has usurped the Arabic lands, forcing out the Palestinians from their home and uprooting them from their own lands. Despite all this the Palestinian preserved his entity and instilled patriotism deep in his sons' hearts, passing on the flag of the nation from the elder, whom the enemies wanted him to perish, to the youngster, whom they wanted him to sink into oblivion. Such flag together with devotion and love to one's homeland remained alive, purified and kneaded with the martyrs' blood. This Palestinian will always stand firm before all the sufferings, pains, massacres, conspiracies, he will always come out stronger, because he is the Palestinian.
The Day of Wrath
The Day of Wrath
Author's Introduction, 'The contents of this booklet are glad tidings to the oppressed people of the occupied territories particularly, and to all Muslims in general. However, it was not written to give them glad tidings, the Qur'an and the Sunna are sufficient for that purpose. Any other source has limits to its reliability and therefore cannot be the basis of Muslim belief, in contrast to what is supposed by some Christians, Jews and Muslims. No, this booklet was written only to outline terms for engagement with the theoretical foundations of Zionism in its two facets: Jewish Zionism and Christian Zionism, the enemy which has distracted the world, and filled the airwaves as well as books with talk of Biblical Prophecy - especially since the latest intifadha.
The Islamic Openings (Al-Fatuhat Al-Islamiyah)
The Islamic Openings (Al-Fatuhat Al-Islamiyah)
Translated By Heba Samir Hendawi
A historical book, detailing the "openings" (or liberations) of key Islamic cities in the glorious history of Islam.
Chapter Indexes Include:
The Opening Of; Makkah, Iraq, Al-Mada'in, Al-Sham, Jerusalem, Egypt, Alexandria, Persia, Iraq 2, Khurasaan, North Africa, Cyprus, Constantinople and Andalusia.