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  • 11 Steps
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A course with 6 classes and one test. Covers basics of how to develop children Religiously, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally (their Education). يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا O you who believed protect yourselves and your families from Hellfire Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also said: "Every one of you is a guardian over his dependents and is responsible for the action of these persons who are dependent on him." Children, no doubt, are a Blessing of Allah SWT. From the time a baby is conceived, we start planning ahead for their future, and the joy that comes with its arrival has no bounds. The love for our child in our hearts is something so natural and it comes with no strings attached. But we must remember that children are an amanah (trust) from Allah SWT, and therefore, we have certain duties and responsibilities towards them, and Allah SWT, for He is The One who blessed us with them in the first place. Allah mentions wealth and children together, many a time in the Quran. Both, wealth and children is a test to us, to test how we deal with this Blessing.

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