How to Convert to Islam: Interactive Step-by-Step Guide
How to Convert to Islam: Interactive Step-by-Step Guide
Author: AllahsWord.com | Pages: 12 | Size: 1 MB
Looking to Convert to islam?
This interactive Step-By Step Guide has everything you need to help you convert to Islam.
Explore the Declaration of Faith (Shahada), Why Convert to Islam? Frequently Asked Questions, Live Islam Chat, Stories of Converts to Islam, Islamic Beliefs, Islamic Rituals & Practices, Why We Need Islam, The Benefits of Islam and more.
To convert to Islam and become a Muslim, all you need to do is say the testimony with conviction and understanding its meaning.
As soon as you pronounce the testimony of faith with conviction, you have become a Muslim! You can do it alone, or you can do it with an adviser, ie another Muslim so they can help you pronounce it correctly. What are you waiting for! Download now!
Dawah Training Program
Dawah Training Program
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 102 | Size: 1 MB
All of us interact with people to some degree or another. The Dawah Training Program by Dr. Bilal Philips gives us the tools we need to turn our interactions into fruitful opportunities for dawah. Starting from the legal ruling of Dawah and taking us through various Dawah techniques, Dr. Bilal Philips presents a comprehensive course enlightening the listener to the appropriate means and methodology of presenting the beautiful religion of Islam to people from various backgrounds.
Enjoining Good - Forbidding Evil
Enjoining Good - Forbidding Evil
Important work by the great scholar and Mujahid of his era, this book begins with an introdution from the book 'Beacons of Light on the Path of the Du'aat' by Dr.Mohammad Jamil Ghazi
Islam the Misunderstood Religion
Islam the Misunderstood Religion
Prof. Qutb writes, 'As I wrote this book over the years I did not entertain the hope that it would elicit such a warm reception and appreciation, And when it went to the press over and over again I thanked God and felt grateful to the readers who took so much interest in the contents of this book. I was, however, beginning to feel that in the future this book need not be republished, For, in my view, we had better no way some thing positive about Islam itself in the context of the various fields of life it embraces, and the positivity and the supervisory character that its law enjoys with regard to practical life, as I have attempted in the books appearing after the present one, instead of limiting our efforts to defending it against the various doubts given currency to by its enemies in order to confuse and throw us on the defensive.
For People Who Think
For People Who Think
This concise book contains advice for muslims and non-muslims alike regarding the meaning of creation and our purpose in life according to the Quran and Sunnah. This book has 11 chapters that briefly touch on the roots of Islam. These Islamic roots are the foundations of Islamic belief and should insh'Allah should serve as a reminder and eeman strengthener for all muslims whilst at the same time give a brief insight into the beautiful relegion that is Islam.
O Callers to Islam! Clarify the Religion
Priests Embracing Islam
O Callers to Islam! Clarify the Religion
Allaah intends to clarify the truth to people and prove it, and thereby, leave no place for excuses that they did not receive the message of truth from Him; that is why He sent Messengers and Divine Books. Indeed, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: "No one likes to give people excuses more than Allah." He has sent the Messengers, peace be upon them, as warners and bringers of glad tidings; hence, they explained the message of Allah and the scholars and students of knowledge did the same after them. This is so, because it is compulsory upon anyone who attains any knowledge to follow the footsteps of the Prophets and Messengers, peace be upon them, by clarifying what they are aware of.
Priests Embracing Islam
This book compiles the stories a number of past priests who have since embraced Islam, Including well known speakers and authors Yusuf Estes and Abu Yahya.
Islam: Its Beauty and Wisdom
Islam: Its Beauty and Wisdom
Dr. Gohar Mushtaq | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 184 | Size: 1.7 MB
This book first explains what the five pillars of Islam are in such a way any non-Muslim can understand and appreciate. It then heads in a direction I have never personally seen before in any religious manuscript. By this, I mean it provides us with effective scientific reasoning to explain health benefits associated with performing obligatory prayers (SALAH) and fasting (Saw’m). As someone similar to Dr. Mushtaq with an extensive background in the Life Sciences, I can certainly appreciate this approach. He explains how the timing of the five prayers during the day can aid in maintaining good health. The prayers in the early morning, late afternoon, and after sunset are shorter because they are performed on an empty stomach.
Why Was I Created?
Why Was I Created?
K. Sherman | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 183 | Size: 1.59 MB
After discovering the purpose of her own life, this author takes readers down the same spiritual path she took, in hopes that they may discover theirs. In this eye-opening book, readers can judge for themselves whether her thought process was correct, and whether or not she came to the right conclusions. Her first reaction, upon discovering the truth, was outrage. How could no one have told her this? Anger then gave way to solid determination that what happened to her would happen to no one else.
The Big Questions
The Big Questions
Tarek Saleh | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 336 | Size: 3.1 MB
This book is a humble attempt to show everyone the real truth about why we are in this life, the truth about our existence, the truth about our creator and the answers to the big questions in our lives without bias, pride or prejudice. And every one is; definitely, free to choose his or her own way.
The Religion Of Truth
Abdurrahman bin Hammad Al-Omar | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 152 | Size: 1 MB
This is a call for salvation which I would like to present to every wise person, hoping that Allah, The All omnipotent and The All-Sublime, would guide by it those who have gone astray, and that He may reward me bountifully and reward everyone who participates in distributing it.